!Download The Emerald Burrito of Oz by John Skipp!
It's years past the Millennium and somehow the worlds of Earth and Oz have begun to commingle. It starts when Glinda the Good Witch becomes President and before long munchkins are working at fast food restaurants.
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The Emerald Burrito of Oz Publisher: Eraserhead Press [John Skipp] ... Get your Kindle here, or download a FREE Kindle Reading App. Best Books of the Month Download eBook "The Emerald Burrito of Oz" (ISBN: 1936383128) by John Skipp, Marc Levinthal for free If I had to pin it down, The Emerald Burrito of Oz would count as an urban fantasy. But it's so much more than that. It's magical, but it can also be dark. The Emerald Burrito of Oz. Author: John Skipp. Pages: 1936383128. ISBN: 280. Format: pdf, epub, fb2, txt The Emerald Burrito of Oz tells the story of Gene from Los Angelos taking a trip to the land of Oz to visit his friend Aurora. You get the impression right away that ... The Emerald Burrito of Oz ∴ It's years past the Millennium and somehow the worlds of Earth and Oz have begun to commingle. It starts when Glinda the Good ... I came across a publication the other day called The Emerald Burrito of Oz, ... John Skipp does a wonderful job taking us on a trip thru his version of OZ I enjoyed ... Promotional Results For You mQyk